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Writer's pictureChef Mystery

Where to find HPB book Healthy Start for your Pregnancy ?

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Where to find the HPB books on Healthy Start for your Pregnancy ?

This post is about where to find the really useful books (but hard to find) from HPB (Health Promotion Board) which provides parents very useful guides on pregnancy, newborn, kids and the healthbooklet. Provided are the Links and the Table of Contents for easy reference.

HPB Healthy start for your Pregnancy.

HPB Guides are very informative and can provide guidance with useful information and  practical to help guide to have a healthy pregnancy which could influence the physical and mental wellbeing of your baby from birth to his or her later years.

There is also a journal to record your pregnancy.

(TOC) Table Of Content


  1. Development of a Baby (1-12 weeks) What happens in the first trimester

  2. Being Pregnant I’m going to be a mum

  3. Nutrition Eat well, mum

  4. Weight Gain Weight a minute

  5. Keeping Active Being fit when pregnant

  6. Intimacy In the mood for love

  7. Antenatal Care Tests for me and my baby

  8. A-Z Pregnancy A-Z of pregnancy health

  9. Infections When exposed to infections

  10. Special Care Coping with the unexpected

  11. Seeking Medical Help “Someone call the doc!”


  1. Development of a Baby (13-28 weeks) What happens in the second trimester

  2. Looking and Feeling Good Glow as baby grows

  3. Antenatal Classes Talk of the class

  4. Assistance and Support Thinking ahead

  5. Breastfeeding Feeding your baby

  6. Preparing for Birth Gearing up


  1. Development of a Baby (29 -40 weeks) What happens in the third trimester

  2. Rest and Relax Recharged and ready for baby

  3. Childbirth Labour and delivery – what to expect

  4. The First Days First days of our lives

Download Links Here

Useful Information for Children Mental Health and Self Image

For information on Children Mental Health and how to help them.

  1. Discover more about the yourself (Teens), thru the Find Your Inner Awesome site.

  2. For Colors of the Mind for children between the age of 6-12, this site would be applicable to help understand how a child, thinks, feels or behaves.

  3. for information about children dental services, click here

Credits & Related

Credits: HPB (Health Promotion Board) Credits: HealthHub Singapore National Health Portal

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